Home From Home

image: book cover, Home From Home by Carol SmithOppressed by the aftermath of September 11th, New York novelist Anna Kovac decides she needs a change of scene if she’s ever going to finish her latest book. The opportunity comes in the form of an advertisement requesting a house-swap and, on the spur of the moment, Anna agrees to exchange her elegant Manhattan townhouse for a villa in Tuscany. Along with two friends from England, Genevieve and Candy, she moves to the picturesque village of Montisi for the summer.

Their rural paradise is bliss and all three women rapidly adapt to Italian life. Until mysterious things start to happen over which Anna has no control: her credit card inexplicably exceeds its limit; text vanishes from her computer screen. When her New York architect and friend, Larry, falls from scaffolding to his death, she panics and rushes home, only to find that the locks have been changed and she cannot get into her house. Someone appears to have stolen her identity, emptied her bank account, sold her possessions – even abducted her beloved father.

Who is the stranger whose advertisement she took entirely on trust and who has managed to destroy her life so effectively? Before Anna can find any answers, however, the situation takes a darker twist with a second violent death…

Read an extract from Home From Home